
art + design ? | santiago, chile

1- Blink
Basic blink example. Counts till 5 then blinks. Download from the link below.




2- Processing Example.
The assignment was o take a Processing example and explore it. I really took an example from Jer thorp and then adapt it.


3- Processing – Arrays
Simple color balls changing color in relation to mouseX position.


4- Map, from Ben Fry’s “Visualizing Data” book.
Example developed by the mentioned book. Due external data, must download from the link below.



5- Time Series, from Ben Fry’s “Visualizing Data” book.
Example developed by the mentioned book, with personal data. Due external data, must download from the link below.



6- Sensor and data collection.
Collecting data with arduino, stored in miniSD card. Arduino code available from the link below.



7 – FINAL PROJECT – Drawing Machine

The main idea is to connect Processing and Arduino to control the position x and y, and the size of a set of SVG external graphics loaded into Processing. This by using potentiometers used to change the values that the Processing sketch use as input.

My personal challenge was;

– to learn how to connect Processing and Arduino. I think I made it, but I need to explore more to do circuits and code more clear.

– to learn how to load external files using arrays. Done, specially how to concatenate file names to be loaded.

– to learn how to use electronic basic components to control physically the digital environment. I haven’t relevant experience in this matter so for me it was a great learning experience.

– to familiarize me with basic prototyping in Arduino.

To develop this project, I used some examples developed by other person, specially related wit Arduino. The examples I see are the following:

– To send serial messages to Processing: VirtualColorMixer_01.ino

– Other references consulted: http://notlaura.com/move-a-ball-on-the-screen-with-arduino-processing/

– The Processing code was developed totally by me, using references found in www.processing.org


Even though the project is not really finished, I recognized many things I did not know and I will continue to refine the project. For example, I need to refine how to control the right movement of graphics, and make more intuitive the controls, etc.

The next steps are to control color and rotation for each graphic, and to send an image (PDF?) via internet to the mail of the persons who made the composition.

Santiago, Chile, Dec 2012…